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Show all rows in MySQL that contain the same value




I have a MySQL database:

ID | Name
1  | Bob
2  | James
3  | Jack
4  | Bob
5  | James

How would I return a list of all the columns where the same name appears more than once, eg, I'd like to return this:

1  | Bob
2  | James
4  | Bob
5  | James

I've written a count query:

AS NumOccurrences 
FROM table 
HAVING ( COUNT(Name) > 1 )

But that just returns something like this:

Bob   | 2
James | 2

Whereas I want to return the full rows returned.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

like image 435
Simon Avatar asked Sep 26 '10 12:09


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1 Answers

You can do it with a sub select

    SELECT Name FROM table GROUP BY Name HAVING count(*) > 1

Also if your distinction match is multiple columns, you can use cartesian sets:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE (firstName, lastName) IN (
    SELECT firstName, lastName FROM table GROUP BY firstName, lastName HAVING count(*) > 1
like image 111
MightyE Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 15:09
