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Should you report the message text of exceptions?

Consider some code that can throw a checked exception (an exception of type Exception). Your code catches the exception, of course. You don't just swallow the exception either, your code reports it in some way to the user through your user interface. In a log file, perhaps, or using a GUI pop-up.

Should the text you report to the user include the message text of the exception. That is, the text provided by Throwable.getMessage() or Throwable.getLocalizedMessage()?

I think not, but it seems many disagree with me. So what have I got wrong? My argument is as follows.

  • The message was created when the exception was thrown. It therefore at best can provide only very low level information, which can be inappropriate for reporting to a user.
  • Philosophically, using the message seems to me against the whole point of exceptions, which is to separate the detection and initiation of error handling (the throw part) from completion of handling and reporting (the catch part). Using the message means the message must be good for reporting, which moves responsibility for reporting to the location that should be responsible for only detection and initiation. That is, I'd argue that the getMessage() part of the design of Throwable was a mistake.
  • The message is not localised. Despite its name, getLocalizedMessage() is not much good because you might not know what locale you want to use until you catch the exception (is the report to go to a system log read by your English system administrators, or is it to pop up in a window for the French user of the GUI?).
  • I hear that Java 7 has a much improved exception hierarchy for IOException, enabling you to handle different kinds of I/O erors in diffferent catch clauses, making the getMessage() text less important. That implies even the Java designers are somewhat uncomfortable with getMessage().

I'm not asking whether reporting the stack-trace is useful. A stack-trace is only ever going to be useful for an exception that suggests a bug. That is, for an unchecked exception. I think in such circumstances providing the low-level detail of the exception message is not just useful but mandatory. But my question deals with checked exceptions, such as file-not-found.

And I am not asking about the "best practice" for the message text.

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Raedwald Avatar asked Sep 06 '11 12:09


2 Answers

In some projects, I make a special kind of exception (e.g. UserFriendlyException). This exception type must have a user friendly error message. If I catch such an exception, I can display it to the user.

This makes it possible to use exceptions for user-friendly errors, and prevents that you show very technical messages to the user.

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Sjoerd Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10


If you are presenting an error condition to the user, it should probably be a user-friendly message. Exceptions contain technical details that the user should not/does not need to know.

In some situations it could be a security concern to present stacktrace information, so the user should never be shown stack traces.

If you are displaying error messages to the user, there is some point where you consciously make the decision to show a popup, or add a message to a log window. At that point you can translate any exception into a more user friendly message. Note that you might need more information than the default Exception types provide, so you can/should probably create you own Exception types that contain all the information you need to present all the data you need to the user.

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hvgotcodes Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10
