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should we use a captcha for Sign Up?



I know it's not really a programming question but I don't know where to ask it.

Should i use a captcha in my sign up form ?

Facebook, twitter, foursquare, gowalla etc... don't use one (or not a visible one). Is there an invisible catpcha on theses sites ?

Thank you

UPDATE : I have found a nice article about it : http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/07/08/web-form-design-patterns-sign-up-forms-part-2/ Thanks for your answers

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fabrice Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 10:03


People also ask

Should we use CAPTCHA?

Captcha is quite effective as an anti-spam tool. It's free, easy to install, and provides websites with an extra layer of security in 3 areas: Protecting website registration from receiving useless information and bot accounts. Preventing comment spam in the form of advertisements and unsolicited messages.

Do you need CAPTCHA on login?

CAPTCHAs aren't necessary for a first logon attempt. Probably not even a second one. If they miss it after a third, ask them to prove their not a bot. They do make sense on signup forms, so bots can't create accounts.

How do I add a CAPTCHA to sign up?

Copy the "Site key" from your reCAPTCHA settings and paste it in the "reCAPTCHA site key" field on your Admin panel. Copy the "Secret key" from your reCAPTCHA settings and paste it in the "reCAPTCHA secret key" field on your Admin panel. Save the changes in your Admin panel. That's it!

Why do websites ask for CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHAs prevent spammers from using bots to create a plethora of spam email accounts. Ticket websites such as TicketMaster also use CAPTCHA to prevent ticket scalpers from over purchasing tickets for large events.

2 Answers

I don't use a captcha for SingingEels, but I do require a valid email address. Users have to confirm their email address by clicking a link sent with a GUID upon creating a new account.

That validates a real human, and also prevents quick sign-ups for spam comments.

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Timothy Khouri Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Timothy Khouri

There is no need to use captcha code in SignUp page. But as far as security reason is concerned, you need to captcha code where you have any form. Because some one puts a robot for signup in your page at that you have to face a problem with your website. So for this purpose you need to add captcha not only in Signup page but every form you are using in your website.

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aliasgar vanak Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

aliasgar vanak