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Should we still use em for font sizes now that most/all new browsers implement page zooming by default? [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
Font sizes: EMs vs Pixels… in 2011, which one should be used?

I've started to read on the net that all browsers are implementing page zoom by default, not text enlarge.

I've also read a PrestaShop theming tutorial the other day that said...

Don't use ems anymore, thanks to page zooming. Use pixels for font sizes.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree, but with the body { font-size: 62.5% } for ease of em sizing, should we begin to phase out em sizing for pixels?

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alex Avatar asked Aug 04 '10 23:08


2 Answers

Pixel sizing can be more accurate, but scales to high resolutions and DPI badly. Browser AA does offset this somewhat.

Read Page Zoom, Elastic Layouts & Em might be helpful

like image 56
Dave L Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10

Dave L

pixels for fonts is a bad idea. Your site will look crap on high dpi displays, and high density displays for the desktop are on the horizon (and are already on many mobile devices).

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Bryan Oakley Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10

Bryan Oakley