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Should we put all required and their dependent packages on requirement.txt or only required packages

If I install one package Eg: pip install bpython on newly created virtualenv what I receive when I execute

pip freeze



Question: Should we need to put all these in requirement.txt file or just bpython==0.17

Once i was asked to clean up requirement.txt file, so i did updated the code from

pip freeze > requirement.txt


comm -12 <(pip list --format=freeze --not-required) <(pip freeze) > requirements.txt

And I am still not sure whether I should put all packages what i receive form pip freeze or it's okay/better to put only those required packages without dependent packages.

Reading the Document of PIP what I found closest is:

Requirements files are used to force pip to properly resolve dependencies. As it is now, pip doesn't have true dependency resolution, but instead simply uses the first specification it finds for a project.

I am still as confused as I was earlier, HELP will be appreciated...

like image 494
Rajan Avatar asked Jan 30 '18 16:01


People also ask

What should requirements txt contain?

In Python requirement. txt file is a type of file that usually stores information about all the libraries, modules, and packages in itself that are used while developing a particular project. It also stores all files and packages on which that project is dependent or requires to run. Typically this file "requirement.

What goes in requirements txt Python?

The requirements. txt is a file listing all the dependencies for a specific Python project. It may also contain dependencies of dependencies, as discussed previously.

1 Answers

I digged myself a lot, and what @Charles Duffy commented above seems most proper way.

You should have two separate dependency lists: One with the dependencies a human has decided you need (which shouldn't contain transitive dependencies); one with the frozen list that reflects what you tested against (which should contain transitive dependencies)

However, Recently with the release of pipenv, I think this is the better way to keep track of dependencies.

It's like npm, much easier to maintain requirements and creating venv.

It automatically creates and manages a virtualenv for your projects, as well as adds/removes packages from your Pipfile as you install/uninstall packages. It also generates the ever–important Pipfile.lock, which is used to produce deterministic builds.

like image 182
Rajan Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
