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Should we be converting to PostgreSQL from MySQL? [closed]

Now that MySQL is in Oracle's hands, do you think it's a good idea to switch to using PostgreSQL for new applications instead? (Also what do you think about converting existing applications?)

I've used both DB systems before and while PostgreSQL is great for it's licensing terms and standards compliance, MySQL is definitely easier to get up and running quickly. (I make this as a personal observation, I know you might disagree...)


I should clarify... I don't want this to be a MySQL/PostgreSQL is better than PostgreSQL/MySQL debate. I like both DB systems and am happy using both (and really for the complexity of most of the applications I'm working on, it's much of a muchness). I'm just in a position where I'm trying to look forward and consider the stability of my technology base before committing myself to a particular course. If you have gone through a similar process and have some kind of migration plan in mind I would like to hear from you regarding what that is and why you decided on it.

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Ganesh Shankar Avatar asked Feb 17 '10 04:02

Ganesh Shankar

People also ask

Can we convert MySQL database to PostgreSQL?

Select PostgreSQL from the list of supported target DBMS, when you are done click on the Ok button. The database management system now is successfully changed from MySQL to PostgreSQL. It's important to note that the "Change DBMS" feature will only convert data types.

When should I use PostgreSQL over MySQL?

In general, PostgreSQL is best suited for systems that require execution of complex queries, or data warehousing and data analysis. MySQL is the first choice for those web-based projects which require a database merely for data transactions and not anything intricate.

Can I have PostgreSQL and MySQL on same server?

No, there is no technical problem. Both default to different ports they listen on. The only problem that could arise is that each individual DB might be slower compared to an installation on separate phyiscal machines because they are both share (and fight for) for the same resources (I/O, memory, CPU, network, ...)

Should I choose PostgreSQL or MySQL?

Most developers will tell you that MySQL is better for websites and online transactions, while PostgreSQL is better for large and complicated analytical processes.

4 Answers

Installing is a one-time-job ... kindof. Depends ofcourse. but PostgreSQL isn't much harder to install than MySQL, if harder at all. It's the day-to-day cost of ownership that matters. As a developer I prefer PostgreSQL over MySQL, as the latter behaves different from version to version (they're still playing catchup to the sql standard and probably always will). Also MySQL is a pain to administer sometime. What does it matter if it takes ten minutes more to install if you must wait for hours when adding a column to a table or other trivial tasks. Finally I think the mysql-environment was too turbulent even before the Oracle takeover, with Oracle already owning innoDB, MariaDB. I think it is a general mess. So yes, I'd migrate, but for other reasons.

If you actually prefer MySQL over PostgreSQL I'd lay out a migration plan just to be ready if need arises, as a kind of lazy proactiveness ...

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deleted Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10


Look at it this way: regardless of what Oracle says, the fact remains that they could decide to do Something Bad with MySQL at any time. Maybe they will, and maybe they won't, but why take the risk (for new projects, at least) when you can just use PostgreSQL?

Given the choice, I'd just as soon go with Postgres myself. It seems to be a very stable project upon which to base my own work. Long history, under active development, good documentation, etc.

Since you've indicated that you're happy working with either one, I say go with Postgres for new projects and don't worry about converting existing projects unless and until Oracle does something with MySQL that gives you cause for concern.

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Cory Grimster Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Cory Grimster

I am no fan of Oracle, but the company has come forward with a 10 point commitment to existing MySQL customers.

So at least as of now, I don't see any cause for worry. Any database migration will require some effort and cost in terms of time and money. So if I were you, I'd hold on for a while before doing anything drastic as a database migration.

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Nikhil Kashyap Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10

Nikhil Kashyap

Even if MySQL does go south, there's MariaDB, which was started by the founder of MySQL. It's a drop in replacement and has some quite exciting new features.


I've been giving a go on my development environment and I've been liking it so far.

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Xorlev Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10
