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Should the TypeIds of two attributes which are semantically identical be different or the same?

MSDN states of the property TypeId that:

As implemented, this identifier is merely the Type of the attribute. However, it is intended that the unique identifier be used to identify two attributes of the same type.

Is the intended use however, to distinguish between individual attribute instances (e.g. those associated with different instances of the class to which they are applied) or between attributes which have the same type but due to their property values are semantically different?

For example, say I had the following:

public sealed class AmpVolume : System.Attribute
    public int MaxVolume { get; set; }
    public AmpVolume(int maxvolume)
        MaxVolume = maxvolume;

public class SpinalTapGuitarAmp

public class SpinalTapBassAmp

public class RegularAmp

Should I implement TypeId as

            return (object)this; //TypeId identifies every individual instance of the attribute


            return (object)MaxVolume; //If we compare two AmpVolume attributes, they should be the same if the volume is the same, right?
like image 969
sebf Avatar asked Jan 04 '12 14:01


1 Answers

The TypeId property is used to distinguish between instances of the same attribute on the same member. Meaning, it's required to implement it only when the attribute is decorated with AttributeUsageAttribute which declares AllowMultiple=true.

For example, if you'd decorate a class or method with multiple AmpVolume attributes, then the TypeId will distinguish between those instances.

You can find a hint on the property in the note at this MSDN link for GetAttributes method.

like image 106
Elisha Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
