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Should security question answers be hashed?






I'm working to a security system for a web application - admin section. If one admin want to make some important changes in application he will need to a answer to a security question.

My question is: the answer to this question should be hashed in database?

Also, I'm thinking to give to the administrators posibility to change their question/answer but admin could do this just if he confirm his identity using password. Is this a good approach?

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morandi3 Avatar asked Apr 21 '11 16:04


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1 Answers

Yes, but be sure to normalize it before hashing - lowercase it, consider removing all characters that aren't alphanumeric, etc. If I enter "ceejayoz" as my question, it should probably accept " CEEJAYOZ " as well.

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ceejayoz Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
