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Should programs check for failure on WinAPI functions that "shouldn't", but can, fail?

Recently I was updating some code used to take screenshots using the GetWindowDC -> CreateCompatibleDC -> CreateCompatibleBitmap -> SelectObject -> BitBlt -> GetDIBits series of WinAPI functions. Now I check all those for failure because they can and sometimes do fail. But then I have to perform cleanup by deleting the created bitmap, deleting the created dc, and releasing the window dc. In any example I've seen -- even on MSDN -- the related functions (DeleteObject, DeleteDC< ReleaseDC) aren't checked for failure, presumably because if they were retrieved/created OK, they will always be deleted/released OK. But, they still can fail.

That's just one noteable example since the calls are all right next to each other. But occasionally there are other functions that can fail but in practice never do. Such as GetCursorPos. Or functions that can fail only if passed invalid data, such as FileTimeToSytemTime.

So, is it good-practice to check ALL functions that can fail for failure? Or are some OK not to check? And as a corollary, when checking these should-never-fail functions for failure, what is proper? Throwing a runtime exception, using an assert, something else?

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rotanimod Avatar asked Apr 04 '11 06:04


1 Answers

The question whether to test or not depends on what you would do if it failed. Most samples exit once cleanup is finished, so verifying proper clean up serves no purpose, the program is exiting in either case.

Not checking something like GetCursorPos could lead to bugs, but depending on the code required to avoid this determines whether you should check or not. If checking it would add 3 lines around all your calls then you are likely better off to take the risk. However if you have a macro setup to handle it then it wouldn't hurt to add that macro just in case.

FileTimeToSystemTime being checked depends on what you are passing into it. A file time from the system? probably safe to ignore it. A custom string built from user input? probably better to make sure.

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Guvante Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 03:11
