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Should I use properties or direct reference when accessing instance variables internally?

Say I have a class like this:

@interface MyAwesomeClass : NSObject
    NSString *thing1;
    NSString *thing2;
@property (retain) NSString *thing1;
@property (retain) NSString *thing2;

@implementation MyAwesomeClass
@synthesize thing1, thing1;

When accessing thing1 and thing2 internally (i.e, within the implementation of MyAwesomeClass), is it better to use the property, or just reference the instance variable directly (assuming cases in which we do not do any work in a "custom" access or mutator, i.e., we just set and get the variable). Pre-Objective C 2.0, we usually just access the ivars directly, but what's the usual coding style/best practice now? And does this recommendation change if an instance variable/property is private and not accessible outside of the class at all? Should you create a property for every ivar, even if they're private, or only for public-facing data? What if my app doesn't use key-value coding features (since KVC only fires for property access)?

I'm interested in looking beyond the low-level technical details. For example, given (sub-optimal) code like:

@interface MyAwesomeClass : NSObject
    id myObj;
@proprety id myObj;

@implementation MyAwesomeClass
@synthesize myObj;

I know that myObj = anotherObject is functionally the same as self.myObj = anotherObj.

But properties aren't merely fancy syntax for instructing the compiler to write accessors and mutators for you, of course; they're also a way to better encapsulate data, i.e., you can change the internal implementation of the class without rewriting classes that rely on those properties. I'm interested in answers that address the importance of this encapsulation issue when dealing with the class's own internal code. Furthermore, properly-written properties can fire KVC notifications, but direct ivar access won't; does this matter if my app isn't utilizing KVC features now, just in case it might in the future?

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mipadi Avatar asked Sep 20 '10 15:09


People also ask

Can instance variables be accessed from inside a method?

Instance variables can be accessed in any method of the class except the static method. Instance variables can be declared as final but not static. The instance Variable can be used only by creating objects only. Every object of the class has its own copy of Instance variables.

How do you reference an instance variable?

Instance variables can be accessed directly by calling the variable name inside the class. However, within static methods (when instance variables are given accessibility), they should be called using the fully qualified name. ObjectReference. VariableName.

What is the difference between property and instance variable?

A property can be backed by an instance variable, but you can also define the getter/setter to do something a bit more dynamic, e.g. you might define a lowerCase property on a string which dynamically creates the result rather than returning the value of some member variable.

Is it possible to access instance variables and methods without using objects?

Class methods cannot access instance variables or instance methods directly—they must use an object reference.

1 Answers

If you spend time on the cocoa-dev mailing list, you'll find that this is a very contentious topic.

Some people think ivars should only ever be used internally and that properties should never (or rarely) be used except externally. There are various concerns with KVO notifications and accessor side effects.

Some people think that you should always (or mostly) use properties instead of ivars. The main advantage here is that your memory management is well contained inside of accessor methods instead of strewn across your implementation logic. The KVO notifications and accessor side effects can be overcome by creating separate properties that point to the same ivar.

Looking at Apple's sample code will reveal that they are all over the place on this topic. Some samples use properties internally, some use ivars.

I would say, in general, that this is a matter of taste and that there is no right way to do it. I myself use a mix of both styles.

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logancautrell Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
