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Should I use polymorphism in javascript?

I am a programmer who has programmed in several languages, both functional and OO oriented. I programmed some Javascript too, but never used (or had to use) polymorphism in it.

Now, as kind of a hobby project, I would like to port some apps that were written in Java and C# that heavily use polymorhpism to Javascript.

But at a first glance I read lots of 'It's possible but ...'

So is there an alternative to it?

An example of what I would like to write in JS in pseudolang :

abstract class Shape{ { printSurface() } ;  }  class Rect : Shape() {  printSurface() { print (sideA*sideB}}  class Circle : Shape() {  printSurface() { print { pi*r*r }}  TheApp { myshapes.iterate(shape s) {s.printSurface() } } 

So a classic polymorphic case : iterating over baseclass.

I would like to achieve this kind of behaviour. I know it is polymorhism, but are there any other 'patterns' that I am overlooking that achieve this kind of behaviour or should I study the inheritance possibilities in Javascript?

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Peter Avatar asked Mar 24 '12 10:03


People also ask

Can we do polymorphism in JavaScript?

Polymorphism with Functions and Objects: It is also possible in JavaScript that we can make functions and objects with polymorphism. In the next example, we will make two functions with the same name 'area'. In class A, we define the area function. In this function, we have two parameters.

Should I use polymorphism?

Polymorphism is inherently good. It refers to something having many forms, referring to both objects and methods. Polymorphism allows you to code to an interface that reduces coupling, increases reusability, and makes your code easier to read.

What is polymorphism how do you use it in JavaScript explain with examples?

Polymorphism is the ability to define a generic type of behaviour that will behave differently when applied to different types. Let's say we have an Animal class that implements the talk method. If class Dog and Cat inherit talk() from class Animal, object dog and object cat both will talk but in a different form.

Does anyone use OOP in JavaScript?

JavaScript is not a class-based object-oriented language. But it still has ways of using object oriented programming (OOP).

2 Answers

As said, JavaScript is a dynamic typed language based on prototypal inheritance, so you can't really use the same approach of typed languages. A JS version of what you wrote, could be:

function Shape(){   throw new Error("Abstract class") }  Shape.prototype.printSurface = function () {   throw new Error ("Not implemented"); }  function Rect() {   // constructor; }  Rect.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype); Rect.prototype.printSurface = function() {   // Rect implementation }  function Circle() {   // constructor; }  Circle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype); Circle.prototype.printSurface = function() {   // Circle implementation } 

Then, in your app:

var obj = new Circle();  if (obj instanceof Shape) {     // do something with a shape object } 

Or, with duck typing:

if ("printSurface" in obj)     obj.printSurface();  // or  if (obj.printSurface)     obj.printSurface();  // or a more specific check if (typeof obj.printSurface === "function")     obj.printSurface(); 

You cold also have Shape as object without any constructor, that it's more "abstract class" like:

var Shape = {     printSurface : function () {         throw new Error ("Not implemented");     } }  function Rect() {   // constructor; }  Rect.prototype = Object.create(Shape); Rect.prototype.printSurface = function() {   // Rect implementation }  function Circle() {   // constructor; }  Circle.prototype = Object.create(Shape); Circle.prototype.printSurface = function() {   // Circle implementation } 

Notice that in this case, you can't use instanceof anymore, so or you fallback to duck typing or you have to use isPrototypeOf, but is available only in recent browsers:

if (Shape.isPrototypeOf(obj)) {     // do something with obj } 

Object.create is not available in browser that doesn't implement ES5 specs, but you can easily use a polyfill (see the link).

like image 189
ZER0 Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10


The "pattern" in play here would be "interface". As long as all the objects in the myshapes collection implement the printSurface() method, you will be fine.

Since Javascript is a dynamically typed language, the objects in a collection don't need to be related at all.

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Weston Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10
