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Should I use one big SQL Select statement or several small ones?

I'm building a PHP page with data sent from MySQL.

Is it better to have

  • 1 SELECT query with 4 table joins, or
  • 4 small SELECT queries with no table join; I do select from an ID

Which is faster and what is the pro/con of each method? I only need one row from each tables.

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simpleblob Avatar asked Sep 10 '08 23:09


People also ask

What is faster one big query or many small queries SQL?

However, in the context of the question, a single large query will be faster that, let's say -in the worse possible scenario- a SELECT inside a programming loop (no matter the RDBMS used).

What is the benefit of multiple SQL statements?

Using multiple SQL statements, you can do much more than pull data back from the database. You can add variables and functions, manipulate data, define search paths, and even create temp tables.

Does SELECT order matter in SQL?

The order doesn't matter, actually, so you are free to order them however you'd like.

4 Answers

You should run a profiling tool if you're truly worried cause it depends on many things and it can vary but as a rule its better to have fewer queries being compiled and fewer round trips to the database.

Make sure you filter things as well as you can using your where and join on clauses.

But honestly, it usually doesn't matter since you're probably not going to be hit all that hard compared to what the database can do, so unless optimization is your spec you should not do it prematurely and do whats simplest.

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George Mauer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

George Mauer

Generally, it's better to have one SELECT statement. One of the main reasons to have databases is that they are fast at processing information, particularly if it is in the format of query.

If there is any drawback to this approach, it's that there are some kinds of analysis that you can't do with one big SELECT statement. RDBMS purists will insist that this is a database design problem, in which case you are back to my original suggestion.

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Robby Slaughter Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Robby Slaughter

When you use JOINs instead of multiple queries, you allow the database to apply its optimizations. You also are potentially retrieving rows that you don't need (if you were to replace an INNER join with multiple selects), which increases the network traffic between your app server and database server. Even if they're on the same box, this matters.

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Josh Hinman Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10

Josh Hinman

It might depend on what you do with the data after you fetch it from the DB. If you use each of the four results independently, then it would be more logical and clear to have four separate SELECT statements. On the other hand, if you use all the data together, like to create a unified row in a table or something, then I would go with the single SELECT and JOINs.

I've done a bit of PHP/MySQL work, and I find that even for queries on huge tables with tons of JOINs, the database is pretty good at optimizing - if you have smart indexes. So if you are serious about performance, start reading up on query optimization and indexing.

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Eugene Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10
