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Should I use numpy.polyfit or numpy.polynomial.polyfit or numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial?


What is the difference between




and which one should I use when?

I checked the code and however both use numpy.linalg.linalg.lstsq at their code, but are different otherwise.

The documentation of numpy.polyfit also suggests to use


What is the right choice?

(Bonus: How would I use the class when the first thing I want to do is to fit to my data?)

like image 958
Make42 Avatar asked Oct 31 '19 20:10


People also ask

What is Numpy Polyfit?

In python, Numpy polyfit() is a method that fits the data within a polynomial function. That is, it least squares the function polynomial fit. For example, a polynomial p(X) of deg degree fits the coordinate points (X, Y). This function returns a coefficient vector p that lessens the squared error in the deg, deg-1,…

What is Numpy Polyfit return?

By the way, numpy. polyfit will only return an equation that goes through all the points (say you have N) if the degree of the polynomial is at least N-1. Otherwise, it will return a best fit that minimises the squared error.

What does Numpy poly1D do?

The numpy. poly1d() function helps to define a polynomial function. It makes it easy to apply “natural operations” on polynomials.

What is Rcond Polyfit?

Parameters Of Numpy Polyfit() This parameter represents the degree of the fitting polynomial. 4. rcond: float. It is an optional parameter that is responsible for defining a relative number condition of the fit. Singular values smaller than this relative to the largest singular values are ignored.

1 Answers

From what I can tell there's a lot of legacy baggage here, and we should not be using numpy.polyfit, and we should prefer numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial.fit.

Consider comments on this github issue from 2016:

While the documentation is reasonably clear in noting that coefficients are returned [from numpy.polyfited.] with highest-order last, this is fairly easy to miss, and is inconsistent with, e.g. numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit().

And a bit later

Having the zero-degree coefficient first, as done in numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit is definitely more logical. I was under the impression that the only reason numpy.polyfit deviates from this is historical accident, which of course is nearly impossible to correct now since many programmes may depend on this behaviour. Maybe the easiest solution would be to point people to the "preferred" solution in numpy.polyfit?

From an earlier comment it's evident that the "historical accident" is the behaviour of MATLAB's polyfit that takes high orders first. Early numpy kept this confusing convention (which it may have even inherited from a predecessor of the project), but later numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit was implemented to Do It Right™. The crucial difference is that (unlike MATLAB) python uses 0-based indices, in which case it's perfectly natural to have zeroth order first. With this convention there's the beautiful property that item k corresponds to the term x**k.

Then there's a newer account in another issue from this year that tries to give a more coherent picture. Quoting the historical recollection from the issue:


(not necessarily in chronological order)

  1. A certain JVM-based linear algebra package had a function, polyfit, for fitting polynomials which made some weird design choices, like returning the coefficients highest-degree first.
  2. numpy, in an attempt to support fugitives from said environment, created the function numpy.polyfit which aped that design choice
  3. numpy implemented numpy.ma.polyfit for masked arrays, using numpy.polyfit
  4. In an attempt to fix the mistakes of history, numpy created the function numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit with almost exactly the same signature, but with a more sensible coefficient ordering, and quietly preferred that people use that instead
  5. People were confused by these two very similar functions (#7478); also the new function could not return a covariance matrix and it did not have a masked array counterpart
  6. Powering on towards both API nirvana and worn-out keyboards, numpy introduced the numpy.polynomial.polynomial.Polynomial class, and documented in numpy.polyfit that that was the preferred way of fitting polynomials, although that also had no masked implementation and also did not return a covariance matrix

The responses from devs on the two issues make it clear that numpy.polyfit is technical debt, and as its documentation says new code should use the Polynomial class. The documentations have improved a lot since 2016, in that now there are pointers from numpy.polyfit to Polynomial, but there's still a lot of ambiguity. Ideally both polyfit methods should explain their situation with respect to the other, and point users to the Polynomial class as the one obvious way to write new code.

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