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Should I use Angular Material or Bootstrap Material for my Angular 6 app?


I decided to create a new Angular 6 application with Material Design. The question is what material library to use?

  • Angular Material (https://material.angular.io/)
  • Material Design for Bootstrap (https://fezvrasta.github.io/bootstrap-material-design/)

As I see other Bootstrap Material library has their own version for Angular to avoid using JQuery. (https://mdbootstrap.com/angular/)

Why do you need to avoid it? Is it buggy or just hard for development?

MDBootstrap for Angular has free and payed version. I didnt like the free version and cannot use the payed one.

Should I really use Material Design for Bootstrap with JQuery in my new Angular app?

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Vladislav Guleaev Avatar asked Aug 23 '18 09:08

Vladislav Guleaev

People also ask

Should I use Bootstrap or material with Angular?

Angular Material Framework can be used to design High-quality websites and web apps that are mobile-friendly. Bootstrap Framework can be used for developing cross-platform apps that work well on desktops. Angular Material Framework does not support the Responsive Oriented Approach (ROA).

Should I use Bootstrap or material?

And there is a high level of consistency between Bootstrap-based websites and applications, making them very intuitive and user-friendly but at the same time not unique. When you think of creating a different and truly unique website, Material is definitely better than Bootstrap.

Should I use Bootstrap or material UI?

Bootstrap is very consistent and provides a simple, clear interface that, is easy to learn. And comparatively less customizable than Material UI. Material UI is highly customizable with which designers can create tons of designs. But it may produce inconsistency among components.

When should I use Angular material?

If you are going to use Angular, definitely Angular Material. When it started it was the Material Design implementation for Angular. As of Angular 6, the Angular team have integrated it into the release train for Angular.

1 Answers

If you are going to use Angular, definitely Angular Material. When it started it was the Material Design implementation for Angular. As of Angular 6, the Angular team have integrated it into the release train for Angular.

You will find the release notes for Angular talk about new features in core along wither Angular Material. Angular Material is also integrated into the Angular CLI to make it even easier to use and to upgrade (ng update). Additionally, when you look for examples, you will find many more Angular Material tutorials and resources than Material Design for Bootstrap.

When I started using it over a year and a half ago, it was just another project. Today, I wouldn't go with any other framework since it's so integrated.

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Brian Bauman Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Brian Bauman