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Should I upgrade to CGLIB 3.0?




I would like to know if/why I should upgrade CGLib 2.2.2 to Version 3.0. I am using CGLib with the latest versions of Hibernate/Spring/Mockito and Java 7.

I can not find release notes or upgrade directions for this version anywhere on the web.

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tine2k Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 10:01


1 Answers

Yes you should migrate to CGLib 3.1 because it can correctly generate stack map frame and deal with Java 7 bytecode.


The following issues were all addressed by CGLib 3.1

We're using EasyMock and switched to a custom version of CGLIB 3. We switched because code coverage with EclEmma/JaCoCo/Sonar would no longer work. It was more or less a drop in replacement (apart from updating POMs). Unfortunately

  • CGLIB 3 is not (yet) in Maven Central
  • CGLIB 3 has a blocker bug https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3601081&group_id=56933&atid=482368 so we had to build a custom version and deployed it to our in-house Nexus

So if you don't currently have any issues like code coverage no longer working I would not switch.

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Philippe Marschall Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10

Philippe Marschall