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Should I update my program from C to modern C or C++? [closed]

I have an old program written in C from the 1990's. I would like to update it so that it will work for the next persons and on modern compilers. Currently I am using a really old version of TurboC to make changes. Should I be focusing on rewriting this in modern C or C++? Which will be the easiest to bring this code up to date without having to rewrite too much and be able to reuse most of the existing code?

My programming background has mostly been in hprogramming languages like Perl, Python, PHP, Powershell, and Visual Basic, so I am not too familiar with the differences between C and C++.

like image 901
user785179 Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 22:12


1 Answers

C and C++ are different languages, not different versions of the same language. Stick to C, although you could use the fancy features of newer versions of the standard, like C99.

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mensi Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 03:01
