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Should I put nbproject directory under source control in NetBeans

I'm using NetBeans to develop J2EE web service. NetBeans create a directory called nbproject inside my project directory. I'm wondering if I should put this directory under source control. I think it is required to build the project without NetBeans.

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Ido Ran Avatar asked Jun 28 '11 10:06

Ido Ran

People also ask

What is nbProject folder in netbeans?

The nbProject folder contains all the netbeans metadata about your project. When you go Project -> properties all the settings (and others) that you find there are stored in the nbProjects folder.

Where are files stored in netbeans?

You can find your project directory by going to the "Netbeans "Projects" tab, right-clicking in your project folder and selecting "Properties". The "Project folder" will be shown on at the top of the new window displayed (i.e. "C:\Users\admin\Documents\NetBeansProjects\YourProjectName").

How do I open a directory in netbeans?

To open a local file/folder (as a file-explorer) in Netbeans, in the top menu-bar goto: Window -> Favourites (or press Ctrl+3), this will open 'Favourites' pane, here you can open files or folders (in Linux, by default you will see your 'home' directory).

2 Answers

This is usually not required. Think of it this way: If I was to check out your project but happened to be using a different IDE, I would not require your nbproject directory. In other words: This directory is machine specific, not project specific. Hope this helps.

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Deviland Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09


The nbProject folder contains all the netbeans metadata about your project. When you go Project -> properties all the settings (and others) that you find there are stored in the nbProjects folder.

EDIT: This has been answered in another question, and the answer there is more complete and accurate

In short you should include nbproject, but not nbproject/private

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Tim Sparg Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Tim Sparg