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Should I or should I not use getter and setter methods? [closed]

Okay, this is really bugging me and I'm starting to think it all comes down to personal choice rather than a particular way of being more efficient or writing better code: Should I or should I not use getter/setter methods within a PHP project? The answers so far that I've read are rather conflicting and not entirely suited towards PHP, which is not a compiled language. For example, take this question on Stack Overflow ("Why use getters and setters?"). There's a number of good reasons presented as to why I should use them within my code, yet all the child comments mention how Accessors are evil and should be avoided, interspersed between a few more disturbing comments which mention that they should be avoided entirely because it "mucks up your code".

All I'm getting is conflicting answers, none of which are relevant to a interpreted PHP environment. Can someone shine some light on why/why not they should be used within PHP, and their rationale behind that decision? Does it really matter if we can simply define a property as private or protected and, anyway:

The encapsulation getters and setters offer are laughably thin

... quoted from "sbi" (Why use getters and setters?)

Personally, I still don't see how:

Class Foo {
    public $bar;

    function setBarType($val) {
       $this->bar = $val;

$fee = new Foo();

is superior to this:

Class Foo {
    public $bar;

$fee = new Foo();
$fee->bar = 42;
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marked-down Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 07:08


People also ask

Should you always use getters and setters?

Using getters and setters, is always, in my opinion good practice. One thing you should avoid is to have external entities mess with the internal structure of your class at will. Typical example, consider having a dateOfBirth parameter.

Should you use the getter method also whenever you use the setter method?

Getters and Setters Are Highly Overused All fields should be kept private, but, setters should only be kept private when it makes sense, which makes that object Immutable. Adding an unnecessary getter reveals an internal structure, which is an opportunity for increased coupling.

What can I use instead of getters and setters?

You may use lombok - to manually avoid getter and setter method. But it create by itself. The using of lombok significantly reduces a lot number of code. I found it pretty fine and easy to use.

Should getter and setter methods be public or private?

Usually you want setters/getters to be public, because that's what they are for: giving access to data, you don't want to give others direct access to because you don't want them to mess with your implementation dependent details - that's what encapsulation is about.

4 Answers

The blog post you linked to starts with a crucial sentence (emphasis added) :

Every getter and setter in your code represents a failure to encapsulate and creates unnecessary coupling.

Encapsulation is the most important idea of Object Oriented Programming. It essentially boils down to hiding complexity by wrapping it neatly inside classes. In an ideal world, when you use a class, you shouldn't have to know anything whatsoever about its inner workings or its state. Some people (like this blog author) will argue that having getters and setters is already way too much information about the insides of the class. In their view, a class should only have methods that enable us to tell an object to do something, never mind how it does it or what state it is in. Using a setter is not "telling the object to do something", it is mucking with the object's state from outside.

Instead of doing this :

$a = myObject();

// Querying object state, making a decision outside the object, and changing its state
if ($a->getWarbleFizz() < 42) {

// Gee, I hope I made the right decision...

You should be writing code like this :

$a = myObject(42);

Or this :

$a = myObject();

Related reading : Tell, don't ask.

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Miklos Aubert Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10

Miklos Aubert

Because if the implementation of how the value is set changes (to a db), you don't have to change the callers. Another example is that you may need to do some checking on the value before setting it.

Having a method lets you intercept the setting/getting of that variable, doing it when it doesn't seem like you need it makes your code more change friendly.

Property getters

Languages like C# and recent versions of JavaScript allow you to intercept property reading and writing, so you can just use properties in languages that support it.

Object watchers

Some languages allow you to intercept the reading/setting of all JavaScript's Object.watch, or inaccessible properties with PHP's __get. This allows you to implements getters and setters but you get a performance hit because of the overhead they create for every property access. This answer talks about other problems with getters and setters. Best practice: PHP Magic Methods __set and __get

Getters and Setters are OK, but...

Just making boilerplate getters and setters is better, but is almost as bad as public properties. If anybody can change your object's state (specially with multiple properties), it won't be well encapsulated. http://cspray.github.io/2012/05/13/stop-calling-them-getters-setters.html

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Juan Mendes Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Juan Mendes

A great profit of using a getter and setter is, whenever you need to make changes you only have to modify the getter and setter.

I'll try to explain with an example:

protected $date;
public function getDate(){
    return $this->date;
public function setDate($date){
    $this->date = $date;

Imagine there is a reason the date should always be incremented with one day. You will have to search in your entire project where you accessed your class member.

But by using getters and setters you could change the code to:

protected $date;
public function getDate(){
    return $this->date;
public function setDate($date){
    $date = new DateTime($date);
    $date->modify('+1 day');
    $this->date = $date;
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NLZ Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10


One OOP principe is encapsulation. A class is responsible to all variables that are contained inside this class.

By setting a public variable, you are breaking that principe.

By creating an accessor (setter), you're indirectly breaking that principe by giving a chance for that value to be changed outside of the class.

The advantage of a getter is that the calling method don't need to care about how the data is retrieved. It only know that it will get the expected data and that's all. Here the encapsulation principe is respected.

The advantage of a setter is that the class have the chance to check the new value before applying it. In a perfect world, there is no need for accessors because a class can fully manage all his variables. In the real world, sometimes you need to set a value or get it from the outside.

The best way to approach the perfect world is to limit accesors only to the very few variables that have to be modified. And check setted values if possible.

About your example, the second solution is better because you save one level in the php stack. Your accessor is useless because you variable is public anyway (so, no encapsulation) and don't perform any additionnal check. But when possible, you SHOULD use accessor to check the data. If the data isn't needed anywhere else in your application, then, don't do any accessor.

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Atrakeur Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10
