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Should I learn Express.js or Sails.js? [closed]

I am learning node.js these days. I have gone through some nodeJS framework as well like expressJS and sailsJS but not able to decide which framework should I choose?

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aarav Avatar asked Sep 09 '15 08:09


People also ask

Should I learn Express or next js?

Express. js is a backend framework for building APIs whereas Next. js is a full stack framework that builds upon React to improve the SEO, development experience, and performance of your project. One of these features IS a built-in API routing system that could replace Express.

Is ExpressJS worth learning?

Improves scalability of the application The first advantage of using Express. js for backend development is that you can easily scale up your application. With the presence of Node. JS, you can easily scale your application in every way by adding nodes and adding additional resources to it.

Is ExpressJS still used 2021?

Express is currently, and for many years, the de-facto library in the Node. js ecosystem. When you are looking for any tutorial to learn Node, Express is presented and taught to people.

Is it necessary to learn Express for NodeJS?

No, It isn't, ExpressJs is framework build on top of nodejs, as they are many framework in different programming language it is the same for Javascript in the backend side.

2 Answers

You need to be at least familar with Express.js - it's like a standart now.

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Andriy Kuba Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Andriy Kuba

I suggest to use sails.js , as it has better MVC structure and If you take Sails.js, then you are still on Express. It also give you a base architecture and good start points for your projects.

Better go through this link and decide : http://www.quora.com/Should-one-learn-Express-js-or-Sails-js

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napster Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
