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Should I keep bad naming conventions?

I'm currently working on a site which went through god knows how many developers' hands. One of the things I don't like about it is the way every table in the database has the prefix "tbl_" and every field "fld_".

I've started work on a new feature and I'm faced with the following problem: should my new tables continue with the old convention, or not?

I guess I should, but I feel stupid doing it :)

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Adrian Mester Avatar asked Dec 22 '09 21:12

Adrian Mester

People also ask

Are naming conventions important?

Naming conventions make sure users know how to name digital assets so that filenames or titles are consistent and contain all the right information. They help you store and organise your files. Without them, your asset library can become chaotic and make it much harder to find images when you need them.

Is naming convention important to avoid errors?

Using descriptive, consistent naming conventions is important and should not go overlooked. Variability and inconsistencies often lead to confusion, error and loss of time.

What happens if developer don't follow naming conventions?

If there are different naming styles in the project, it keeps to distribute the engineer concentration. From time to time, engineer doesn't want to work on a project which is hard to understand the code.

What is a drawback of standard naming conventions?

Difficulty of Enforcement – even if an organisation chooses to implement conventions for Team names, how can the organisation ensure that users follow these rules. Poor perception – enforcing rules like naming conventions can result in users viewing Teams as another tool where IT put barriers in place.

1 Answers

I would keep the same convention.. Regardless of if it's bad or not at least it would be consistent. And consistency will be very important to the next developer who gets ahold of the code.

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NotMe Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 03:11
