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Should I joint-index an ActiveRecord polymorphic association?

I have a metric table that I expect to be very large. It has a polymorphic association so that it can belongs_to other models that want to record some metric. I typically index association columns like this to speed up association loading. I've heard people talking about joint-indexing this association. This looks like:

add_index :comments, [:commentable_type, :commentable_id]

But I've also heard counsel against creating indexes of low-cardinality, because the payoff of the index doesn't offset the overhead of maintaining it. Since the _type half of my polymorphic association will probably only have 4-5 values across the millions of rows, I'm inclined to only index on the _id portion of the polymorphic association. I will probably create some additional joint-indexes using the _id column and some other unmentioned integer and datetime columns, but I won't include the _type in these indexes either.

Is this what you would do/recommend?

like image 716
jmaxyz Avatar asked Oct 21 '10 04:10


1 Answers

Ultimately, this is worth benchmarking before and after adding the index, on a realistic data set - realistic in size and data.

However, you're not creating an index on a field with just a few values. The index is on the combination of the two fields, which is likely to have a lot of different value combinations. The index on the combined fields is a smart idea.

like image 76
Jaime Bellmyer Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09

Jaime Bellmyer