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Should I include "prefix-free" plugin in my website

Prefix-free is a cool plugin by Lea Verou. It helps the developer to write CSS3 selectors with no prefix. I wonder if it is worthy to include it in my site.

I have a website with some CSS3 and I want to know if loading a JS file that changes the CSS after page loads may decrease my pages' render speed and affect the client side performance?

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benams Avatar asked Aug 14 '12 07:08


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What is prefixfree JS?

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1 Answers

Of course will the execution of a Javascript altering you CSS decrease the performance of your Site, both in terms of javascript-execution time and (re-)rendering-speed of you site.

It is very costly to let javascript examine and alter all your CSS. I prefer such preprocessors like SASS or LESS which let you write prefix-free CSS and produce the according prefixed CSS before delivering it to the client. Of course this has the drawback of having bigger css-files to transfer, but still this is the solution I prefer.

You don't need to write the necessary mixins for yourself, there are basically countless extensions, that will do the work for you and provide ready-to-use mixins.

Just out of the top of my head: for less, one could use http://lessprefixer.com/ - for Sass http://compass-style.org/

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Christoph Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
