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Should hibernate use unique sequences for each table?

I have several entities using AUTO key generation strategy with Hibernate and postgres.

private Long id;

This will result in a hibernate_sequence generated, and each entity will make use of that sequence when assigning keys.

Now I have a table that has lots of cache data (like 100k entries), and some user tables. As both use strategy AUTO, they both get their keys from the same hibernate sequence. As a result, even if I only have 10 users, they will all have an id of 6-7 digits long, like 123123.

I wonder if, in general, one should introduce a custom sequence for each table? Or shouldn't I care about the id generation that much?

like image 313
membersound Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 07:04


People also ask

Can Hibernate use database sequences to generate primary key?

IDENTITY: Hibernate relies on an auto-incremented database column to generate the primary key, SEQUENCE: Hibernate requests the primary key value from a database sequence, TABLE: Hibernate uses a database table to simulate a sequence.

How does Hibernate sequence generator work?

SEQUENCE Generation. To use a sequence-based id, Hibernate provides the SequenceStyleGenerator class. This generator uses sequences if our database supports them. It switches to table generation if they aren't supported.

What is the use of Hibernate sequence table?

If you use strategy="AUTO" , Hibernate will generate a table called hibernate_sequence to provide the next number for the ID sequence. You may have forgotten to add the AutoIncrement feature to your table's PK.

How do you define a sequence in Hibernate?

First of all, you have to annotate the primary key attribute with the @GeneratedValue annotation and set GenerationType. SEQUENCE as the strategy. This tells Hibernate to use a database sequence to generate the primary key value. If you don't provide any additional information, Hibernate will use its default sequence.

2 Answers

I have recently solved this problem for my project. I use the Enhanced sequence generator (which is the default for sequence-style generators) and set the prefer_sequence_per_entity parameter to true.

Contents of my package-info.java:

    name = "optimized-sequence",
    strategy = "enhanced-sequence",
    parameters = {
        @Parameter(name="prefer_sequence_per_entity", value="true"),
        @Parameter(name="optimizer", value="hilo"),
        @Parameter(name="increment_size", value="50")})
package org.example.model;

import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Parameter;

On the usage side you just need

@Id @GeneratedValue(generator="optimized-sequence")
public long id;

I prefer having separate sequences because occasionally I'll drop a table and recreate it, and I want the ID's starting from one.

like image 63
Marko Topolnik Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Marko Topolnik

You can use serial datatype for your useid , or use PostgreSQL sequence. LIKE :

digoal=# create table tt(id serial, info text);
digoal=# insert into tt (info) values ('test'),('test');
digoal=# select * from tt;
 id | info 
  1 | test
  2 | test
(2 rows)


digoal=# create table tt1(id int, info text);
digoal=# create sequence seq_tt1;
digoal=# alter table tt1 alter column id set default nextval('seq_tt1'::regclass);
digoal=# insert into tt1 (info) values ('test'),('test');
digoal=# select * from tt1;
 id | info 
  1 | test
  2 | test
(2 rows)
like image 22
digoal.zhou Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
