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Should Entities in Clean Architecture know of persistence mechanisms?

In the book 'Clean Architecture' (Robert C. Martin) p. 191, he states that "Entity is pure business logic and nothing else". I am unsure of how literal I should interpret this statement with respect to the entites knowledge of a persistence mechanism.

I am assuming the entity objects are stateful - that they manipulate the business data that they represent. If so, the persistence-layer must be informed of changes to that data, so it can persist those changes. Therefore; are the entities allowed to hold a reference to a persistence-interface (or a unit-of-work-interface, if a more elaborate design)?

I am inclined to think that an entity-object holding such a reference (and calling it from within the entity) would be something else than 'pure business rules'. But I have a feeling it does not count as long as the entities hold reference to an interface?

And if the entities should NOT hold reference to persistence-mechanisms, are there any other good patterns for persisting changes to business data?

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unique_ptr Avatar asked Jun 20 '18 08:06


2 Answers

There are 2 major line of thoughts regarding this matter. Both of them represented by a different design pattern. Both of these options also consider you're dealing with stateful entities which model aspects of your business scenario, in that sense, they're aware of the "data" that will be persisted however, they are not necessarily aware of the persistence mechanism itself.

Now, regarding the persistence mechanism, the first way of doing it is probably the most familiar to old-J2EE or Rails practitioners where the entity is fully aware that it will be loaded/saved into an underlying persistence and its interface will convey such methods as "get", "insert", "update". That's been called the "Active Record" (Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture) pattern. That is, the entity while modelling an aspect of your business, it will represent also a straight record in the database and be able to save/load itself.

The other approach, which will be more inline with the "Clean Architecture" you mentioned, has been called by some authors the "Data Mapper" (also Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture) pattern. In that matter the entity remains ignorant of the persistence mechanism (it will be "pure business logic, and nothing else") and you delegate to an external player (class / whatever) the responsibility of "mapping" the "data" that the entity currently holds into and out-of the persistence mechanism/layer.

In other words, when taking such an approach, you will delegate to a translator the responsibility of understanding the persistence mechanism and translating from database-to-entity and from entity-to-database. That way, your entities are never even aware that they are persisted somewhere else, much less of the inner workings of such persistence process.

The interface of persistence Data Mapper will be something along these lines:

interface IMyDataMapper {
    void Save(IMyEntity entity);
    IMyEntity Get(whatever criteria you use to find the entity);

So, from that interface, its responsibility is clear:

  • It receives an entity (which is unaware of this operation) and reads its data to store it somewhere else.
  • It receives criteria to finding stored data somewhere else, finds it and populates an entity object with this data to return it to you.
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Pedro Goes Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Pedro Goes

he states that "Entity is pure business logic and nothing else". I am unsure of how literal I should interpret this statement with respect to the entites knowledge of a persistence mechanism.

Very literal.

Business objects should not know anything about how they are being persisted.

The architecture of your application should be:

  • Business Layer - Includes entities, business rules, domain events, repository interfaces etc.
  • Data Layer - References the business layer and implements the repository interfaces.
  • Service Layer - References the business layer, coordinates the logic of the application and persists data using the repository interface from the business layer.
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Cool Breeze Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Cool Breeze