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Should C# methods that *can* be static be static? [closed]





Should C# methods that can be static be static?

We were discussing this today and I'm kind of on the fence. Imagine you have a long method that you refactor a few lines out of. The new method probably takes a few local variables from the parent method and returns a value. This means it could be static.

The question is: should it be static? It's not static by design or choice, simply by its nature in that it doesn't reference any instance values.

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Bernhard Hofmann Avatar asked Apr 08 '09 20:04

Bernhard Hofmann

People also ask

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C is a general-purpose programming language and can efficiently work on enterprise applications, games, graphics, and applications requiring calculations, etc. C language has a rich library which provides a number of built-in functions. It also offers dynamic memory allocation.

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There is no need to learn C before learning C++. They are different languages. It is a common misconception that C++ is in some way dependent on C and not a fully specified language on its own. Just because C++ shares a lot of the same syntax and a lot of the same semantics, does not mean you need to learn C first.

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You can start programming in C. However, if you've never programmed before, it's almost certainly going to be much easier to learn a higher-level language to begin with. And unless your interest in programming lies in a few narrow areas like operating systems, it's unlikely you'll want to use C in the future.

2 Answers

It depends. There are really 2 types of static methods:

  1. Methods that are static because they CAN be
  2. Methods that are static because they HAVE to be

In a small to medium size code base you can really treat the two methods interchangeably.

If you have a method that is in the first category (can-be-static), and you need to change it to access class state, it's relatively straight forward to figure out if it's possible to turn the static method into a instance method.

In a large code base, however, the sheer number of call sites might make searching to see if it's possible to convert a static method to a non static one too costly. Many times people will see the number of calls, and say "ok... I better not change this method, but instead create a new one that does what I need".

That can result in either:

  1. A lot of code duplication
  2. An explosion in the number of method arguments

Both of those things are bad.

So, my advice would be that if you have a code base over 200K LOC, that I would only make methods static if they are must-be-static methods.

The refactoring from non-static to static is relatively easy (just add a keyword), so if you want to make a can-be-static into an actual static later (when you need it's functionality outside of an instance) then you can. However, the inverse refactoring, turning a can-be-static into a instance method is MUCH more expensive.

With large code bases it's better to error on the side of ease of extension, rather than on the side of idealogical purity.

So, for big projects don't make things static unless you need them to be. For small projects, just do what ever you like best.

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Scott Wisniewski Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Scott Wisniewski

I would not make it a public static member of that class. The reason is that making it public static is saying something about the class' type: not only that "this type knows how to do this behavior", but also "it is the responsibility of this type to perform this behavior." And odds are the behavior no longer has any real relationship with the larger type.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't make it static at all, though. Ask yourself this: could the new method logically belong elsewhere? If you can answer "yes" to that, you probably do want to make it static (and move it as well). Even if that's not true, you could still make it static. Just don't mark it public.

As a matter of convenience, you could at least mark it internal. This typically avoids needing to move the method if you don't have easy access to a more appropriate type, but still leaves it accessible where needed in a way that it won't show up as part of the public interface to users of your class.

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Joel Coehoorn Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Joel Coehoorn