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Should autogen.sh be included in a tarball?

I have seen many tarballs do not include an autogen.sh file, but I have seen it in some other tarballs.

What is the rationale for including or not including autogen.sh in a tarball?

like image 533
j4v4m4n Avatar asked Sep 01 '10 09:09


2 Answers

If you're releasing a source distribution from some kind of release branch, then IMHO there is no need to include this.

autogen.sh should only be included in development releases.

Since you use it to generate ./configure and stuff, there is no need to do this in release packages.

Of course if you're targeting developers mainly, your audience may find autogen.sh files useful.

like image 128
Marcin Cylke Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10

Marcin Cylke

If your autogen/bootstap does more than what autoreconf does, then please, please, include it. It makes life much easier for people modifiying the released tarball (it might be necessary to re-autogen after a patch is applied).

like image 33
elmarco Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
