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Shorthand for functions to map

In a map, I can call a method on the passed-in value using the convenient &: notation:

nums = (0..10).to_a
strs = nums.map(&:to_s)

Is there something similar for calling a function with the value passed in as the first argument?

nums = (0..10).to_a
nums.each(puts) # error!
like image 405
Vlad the Impala Avatar asked Feb 24 '12 20:02

Vlad the Impala

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1 Answers

Disclaimer: This post is purely educational. nums.each {|n| puts n} is really the only reasonable thing to write in a real project.

Understanding nums.map(&:to_s)

The existing short form works very simply. & calls to_proc on the symbol, and to_proc on a symbol is defined like this.

class Symbol
  def to_proc
    Proc.new { |*args| args.shift.__send__(self, *args) }

Since this proc will start acting like a regular block that is passed into map, the *args in this case is really each element we're iterating through. We take the first of args (since * turns arguments into an array), and send self to it, self being the actual symbol, such as :to_s. Remaining arguments are passed in. So it's like saying nums.map{ |*args| args.shift.__send__(:to_s, *args) }.

Changing it to enable nums.each(&:puts)

We could easily re-implement to_proc to act differently. Here's a quick example.

class Symbol
  def to_proc
    Proc.new { |*args| __send__(self, *args) }

(1..10).each(&:print) # => 12345678910

Here instead of sending symbol name as a message to the element, we are just calling symbol as a method on the current context, and simply passing the iterated element as an argument to it.

So it's more like saying (1..10).each{|*args| __send__(:print, *args)}.

Understanding nums.each(&method(:puts))

That said, as nash pointed out you could call nums.each(&method(:puts)). What happens there is that you get an object that represents method puts using ruby's method method. So then & calls .to_proc on the method object, turning it into proc, which itself starts playing the role of the block passed into each (or map). The arguments passed into that proc (each element you're iterating) then become the arguments to that method. Neat.

Implementing xargs

In order to avoid overwriting standard behavior, we could hypothetically implement our own xargs feature, like in shell scripting. (Do not do this at home, too-clever is bad.)

class Symbol
  def to_xargs
    Proc.new{ |*args| __send__(self, *args) }

def xargs(sym)

(1..10).each(&xargs(:print)) # prints 12345678910
like image 153
Max Chernyak Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10

Max Chernyak