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Shortcut for "move to left editor" and "move to right editor" in Eclipse?

If I've got my Eclipse windows split vertically, is there any keyboard shortcut to move to the logical left/right editor?

For example, in the image blow, the right editor is selected, and I want to move to the left window:

split windows

For those of you who know Vim, I am trying to recreate c-w h and c-w l.

like image 949
David Wolever Avatar asked Oct 26 '09 20:10

David Wolever

2 Answers

The answer from Csaba_H is right : there is no keyboard shortcut to switch from one editor area to the next. The most you can do through keyboard shortcuts is to switch to "another editor", whatever its area is (left, right, top, bottom... whatever you tiled the area into :p) through the usual shortcuts :

  • next editor : ctrl + F6
  • previous editor : ctrl + shift + F6
  • quick switch editor : ctrl + E

I'll only mention that you can also take a look yourself to all available shortcuts in your Eclipse if you go to Window > preferences and go into the section General > Keys (a shortcut to get there is to use ctrl + shift + L twice).

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Kellindil Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09


Personally I did not find such shortcut or option. However, there are some possibilities for switching editors from the keyboard (Ctrl + F6 and Ctrl + Shift + E as general ones, or my favourite "all-in-one" Ctrl + 3 :) ).

Also, if you work mostly two files 'for a long time' (one in left side and one on right side), you can also use the History operations (Alt + , Alt + ) for switching editors.

Eclipse allows for multiple editors to be open at any time, and those editors may be arranged as tabs (default behaviour) or split vertically or horizontally. The information above about available shortcut options is correct and provides the correct functionality in the case of two (only) open editors. Where there are greater than two open editors the shortcuts allow navigation to the 'next' or 'previous' editor. There is no concept of the logical left/right or top/bottom editor.

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Csaba_H Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09
