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shortcut for creating a Map from a List in groovy?

People also ask

How do I create a map object in Groovy?

We can use the map literal syntax [k:v] for creating maps. Basically, it allows us to instantiate a map and define entries in one line. Notice that the keys aren't surrounded by quotes, and by default, Groovy creates an instance of java.

How do I add a map to Groovy map?

The easiest way to merge two maps in Groovy is to use + operator. This method is straightforward - it creates a new map from the left-hand-side and right-hand-side maps.

I've recently came across the need to do exactly that: converting a list into a map. This question was posted before Groovy version 1.7.9 came out, so the method collectEntries didn't exist yet. It works exactly as the collectMap method that was proposed:

Map rowToMap(row) {
    row.columns.collectEntries{[it.name, it.val]}

If for some reason you are stuck with an older Groovy version, the inject method can also be used (as proposed here). This is a slightly modified version that takes only one expression inside the closure (just for the sake of character saving!):

Map rowToMap(row) {
    row.columns.inject([:]) {map, col -> map << [(col.name): col.val]}

The + operator can also be used instead of the <<.

Check out "inject". Real functional programming wonks call it "fold".

columns.inject([:]) { memo, entry ->
    memo[entry.name] = entry.val
    return memo

And, while you're at it, you probably want to define methods as Categories instead of right on the metaClass. That way, you can define it once for all Collections:

class PropertyMapCategory {
    static Map mapProperty(Collection c, String keyParam, String valParam) {
        return c.inject([:]) { memo, entry ->
            memo[entry[keyParam]] = entry[valParam]
            return memo

Example usage:

use(PropertyMapCategory) {
    println columns.mapProperty('name', 'val')

Was the groupBy method not available when this question was asked?

If what you need is a simple key-value pair, then the method collectEntries should suffice. For example

def names = ['Foo', 'Bar']
def firstAlphabetVsName = names.collectEntries {[it.charAt(0), it]} // [F:Foo, B:Bar]

But if you want a structure similar to a Multimap, in which there are multiple values per key, then you'd want to use the groupBy method

def names = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Fooey']
def firstAlphabetVsNames = names.groupBy { it.charAt(0) } // [F:[Foo, Fooey], B:[Bar]]

Also, if you're use google collections (http://code.google.com/p/google-collections/), you can do something like this:

  map = Maps.uniqueIndex(list, Functions.identity());

ok... I've played with this a little more and I think this is a pretty cool method...

def collectMap = {Closure callback->
    def map = [:]
    delegate.each {
        def r = callback.call(it)
        map[r[0]] = r[1]
    return map
Collection.metaClass.collectMap = collectMap
Map.metaClass.collectMap = collectMap

now any subclass of Map or Collection have this method...

here I use it to reverse the key/value in a Map

[1:2, 3:4].collectMap{[it.value, it.key]} == [2:1, 4:3]

and here I use it to create a map from a list

[1,2].collectMap{[it,it]} == [1:1, 2:2]

now I just pop this into a class that gets called as my app is starting and this method is available throughout my code.


to add the method to all arrays...

Object[].metaClass.collectMap = collectMap

I can't find anything built in... but using the ExpandoMetaClass I can do this:

ArrayList.metaClass.collectMap = {Closure callback->
    def map = [:]
    delegate.each {
        def r = callback.call(it)
        map[r[0]] = r[1]
    return map

this adds the collectMap method to all ArrayLists... I'm not sure why adding it to List or Collection didn't work.. I guess that's for another question... but now I can do this...

assert ["foo":"oof", "42":"24", "bar":"rab"] ==
            ["foo", "42", "bar"].collectMap { return [it, it.reverse()] }

from List to calculated Map with one closure... exactly what I was looking for.

Edit: the reason I couldn't add the method to the interfaces List and Collection was because I did not do this:


after that method call, you can add methods to interfaces.. which in this case means my collectMap method will work on ranges like this:

(0..2).collectMap{[it, it*2]}

which yields the map: [0:0, 1:2, 2:4]