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Short cut in Xcode to switch between help and IDE

I'm new to the XCode IDE, Mac and IOS programming. Means that I'll swap a lot between help and editor. However when using Cmd+Tab I'll not swap between help and IDE but between other open apps.

Does anyone know a short cut to switch between IDE and help?

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Fniller Fnaller Avatar asked Sep 14 '12 23:09

Fniller Fnaller

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2 Answers

  1. OPT+Cmd+? will bring the help in XCode (the shortcut is mentioned if you go to the help section)

  2. use 1. in combination with CMD+' to scroll through all open projects / windows within XCode.

You can have a look to this page: it refers all XCode shortcuts and gesture.

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tiguero Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11


The default shortcut to open the Organizer is Cmd+Shift+2, which you can edit in the Preferences of Xcode if you want.

There is also a shortcut which will directly bring you to the Documentation tab: Cmd+Alt+?.

Additionally, you can set a shortcut to switch between the windows of the active app in System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts. The default is Cmd+< but I prefer Alt+Tab.

enter image description here

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DrummerB Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11
