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Shopify Theme with Compass and Sass

Does anyone have a workflow for developing Shopify themes with Compass and Sass? I am really close, I just need to figure out how to not make Sass barf on the CSS liquid tags.

Here's what I've got:

  • A sass/compass project in directory (ex:, "/newwebsite/)
  • A subdirectory containing my Shopify theme ("/newwebsite/newwebsite-theme/")
  • A Compass config.rb that points the css,_dir images_dir and javascripts_dir all to the them's assets folder ("/newwebsite/newwebsite-theme/assets/")
  • Compass watch on
  • shopify_theme gem also watch on, uploading theme files to shopify (https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_theme)
  • EDIT Sass interpolations (see anser below)
  • EDIT Compass callback to rename to .css.liquid

The problem: Compass barf's when you need to use Shopify's liquid templating tags, for example, a background image - example, background: url( "{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}")

Does anyone know how to instruct Compass / Sass to spit out the liquid template tags as they are into the CSS? If I have that, then I have a solid workflow of editing Sass locally, and realizing the changes momentarily after on the shopify shop.


EDIT: By using Hopper's answer below for the liquid tags in Sass, and renaming the Compass output .css file to .css.liquid, I now have an instantaneous workflow for designing a Shopify theme with Compass and Sass! Here is the code for the Compass callback that goes in the config.rb:

on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|   s = filename + ".liquid"   puts "copying to: " + s   FileUtils.cp(filename, s)   puts "removing: " + filename end 
like image 802
wart Avatar asked Jun 28 '12 03:06


People also ask

Does Shopify support Sass?

In the short term, Sass will continue to work on Shopify themes, but we are actively migrating our themes to use only CSS stylesheets.

Can I use HTML and CSS in Shopify?

You can edit your theme code to make detailed changes to your online store. Most of the files that make up a theme contain Liquid, Shopify's templating language. Theme files also contain HTML, CSS, JSON, and JavaScript. Edit the code for a theme only if you know HTML and CSS, and have a basic understanding of Liquid.

1 Answers

I'm not familiar with Shopify or liquid tags, but I do know that in SASS you can use interpolations to output plain CSS as-is. For example, the SASS here:

.test {     background: url( #{'{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}'} ) } 

Would be compiled to:

.test {     background: url({{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}); } 

Does that get you close to what you're looking for?

like image 79
hopper Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
