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Shiny (Rstudio) apps not working





I am working on the Shiny tutorial for RStudio. I updated my RStudio, as indicated in the tutorial. The current version I have is 0.98.945. When I run the supplied examples like runExample("01_hello"), it opens my web browser and shows all the HTML content, but does not seem to be processing the R code.

When I proceed further in the tutorial for creating my own app runApp("App-1"), I get an error message on the web page: ERROR: could not find function "fluidPage". After some sleuthing, I found a posting on another site indicating that I need to download the developer version of shiny from GitHub, found here. I ran the code snippet for that installation -- and still no luck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

like image 942
Brian P Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 06:03

Brian P

1 Answers

After updating Rstudio to the newest version redo the install.packages("shiny") and library("shiny"). Once you do this it should eliminate the need to manually do the runApp code and a button should appear were the run button usually is that says run app. before you can click run app though you have to set your working directory to the location were you have saved your server.R and ui.R by going to session -> set working directory -> choose directory. chose the folder location then click run app.

Edit: there should be no need for you to run that code from GitHub

like image 70
user2096561 Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 04:04
