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Sharing data between two applications



like this

public class MyClass { 
  public static instance = new MyClass();
 private List<int> idList; 

. I am using this class in two different window application. like this MyClass.instance.IdList.Add(1); All data in idList i am storing in file and fetching info from that file. I am adding value to idList in one app and I am fetching idList info in another app. but it is not showing idList content in second application which is added by first apllication. How to achive this?

like image 847
jolly Avatar asked Dec 23 '09 11:12


1 Answers

Here are a few ways to share data between applications:

WCF would be my preferred way to do this and I will add some explanation here

1) Use of WCF - Host a WCF service with following functionality [Effort: Moderate]

//Notice the use of Publisher -Subscriber pattern here (each app will subscribe to the service, the service could be hosted by all apps at certain endpoint i.e. net.pipe://localhost/NotificationService (Since multiple applications will try to host the same service only one would succeed and that's exactly what we want)

void Subscribe(object);
void Unsubscribe(object);

// Any client wanting to add an object to the list will call Add

void Add(object objectToAdd);

// Iterate through each subscribing app and send a notification that list changed

void Notify();

// Return the current state of list

IEnumerable<object> GetYourList();

2) Use of Clipboard [Effort: Simple]

3) Use of File system & listening to the file change notification [Effort: Simple]

4) Memory Mapped Files [Effort: Simple-Moderate]

like image 119
Shrinand Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
