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Sharing a variable between controllers in angular.js

I'm new to angular and I'm wondering how I can share a variable between controllers in angular. I'm using the following scripts -

In Main.js:

function MainCntl($scope) {   ---code }  function SearchCtrl($scope, $http) {     $scope.url = '';     $scope.errorM = "No results";          $scope.search = function() {          $http.post($scope.url, { "data" : $scope.keywords}).         success(function(data, status) {             $scope.status = status;             $scope.data = data;             $scope.result = data;              alert('yes');         })         .         error(function(data, status) {             $scope.data = data || "Request failed";             $scope.status = status;                alert('no');             $scope.result = "failed";         });     }; } 

In Index.html

<body ng-controller="MainCntl" > ---code <div ng-controller="SearchCtrl">      <form class="well form-search">      <div class="ui-widget">           <label for="tags"></label>           <a ng-click="search()"><input type="image" src="../../images/search1.png" class="searchbox_submit" /></a>           <input ng-model="keywords" placeholder="Shadow Search" id="tags" class="input-medium search-query rounded" />       </div>      </form> </div> ---code <p ng-model="result">      {{result}} </p> </body> 

Everything works well with the ajax I'm sending data and receiving a response, my question is as follows:

In the SearchCtrl function I have a variable called $scope.result that is later referred to in Index.html. If I insert the html code that contains that variable into the SearchCtrl controller it works fine but if it is in the MainCtrl controller it does not work. How can I share this variable between the controllers.

Thanks ahead

like image 708
Gidon Avatar asked May 12 '13 15:05


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1 Answers

Use a service and inject it to both controllers and refer your scope vars to the services variable.


angular.module("yourAppName", []).factory("myService", function(){    return {sharedObject: {data: null } }  });  function MainCtrl($scope, myService) {   $scope.myVar = myService.sharedObject; }  function SearchCtrl($scope, $http, myService) {   $scope.myVar = myService.sharedObject; } 

In your template do:


See an example Uses Angular v1.1.5

The reason you put it in an inner object is to preserve your references, if you keep it without a "sharedObject", and change that object, your binding will be pointing to the old reference and wouldn't show anything in the template.

like image 104
Shai Reznik - HiRez.io Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Shai Reznik - HiRez.io