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SharePoint REST Get User Title in a single REST query

I have a list which has a "People and Group" column. when I query the rows using REST, I get user Ids listed in this column.

I found this article which will help me in converting each id to a title


But I am wondering if there is a way in which I can get the user title by a single REST call (rather than first get the ID and then making another call to convert the ID into the user display name and the login name)

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Knows Not Much Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 18:03

Knows Not Much

2 Answers

Using $expand OData operator you can specify that the request returns projected fields from other lists and the values of lookups.

The following REST endpoint:


returns Title and Name for Author column in Pages list

    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "id": "63b9e943-6398-4b6d-acc9-fc4f554f78df",
            "uri": "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/_api/Web/Lists(guid'be43ccf2-5ca7-4957-bf81-7cdc86744d9b')/Items(1)",
            "etag": "\"6\"",
            "type": "SP.Data.PagesItem"
        "Author": {
            "__metadata": {
                "id": "8e4ad44e-f6f0-4dcc-92c6-78dc3d2c68af",
                "type": "SP.Data.UserInfoItem"
            "Name": "i:0#.f|membership|[email protected]",
            "Title": "John Doe"
like image 84
Vadim Gremyachev Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Vadim Gremyachev

You can use the below rest query to get the modified by user's title: /_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Pages')/items(1)?$select=Editor/Name,Editor/Title&$expand=Editor/Id

like image 34
user6492643 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
