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Sharepoint: find out if current user belongs to specified group



How can I find out programmatically if current user belongs to some group on sharepoint website?
I need it because I would like to show a different content for the users belonging to one group.

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agnieszka Avatar asked Sep 04 '09 16:09


People also ask

How do I find the group ID in SharePoint?

By default mailNickname is used for the site URL. So if the site URL is https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/MyTeamSite then GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups?$filter=mailNickname eq 'MyTeamSite'&$select=id,mailNickname Graph API endpoint will give you the Group ID and Group name.

What is default members group in SharePoint?

A team site by default has three SharePoint groups: Owners, Members and Visitors. These groups have different permissions on the site. By default, SharePoint users are Members and have Edit permission.

2 Answers

I stumbled upon your post because I have (IMHO) the exact same question, but the replies seem somehow not to match that. So I went on searching and found http://www.eggheadcafe.com/conversation.aspx?messageid=30460140&threadid=30420861:

SPWeb site = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPGroup managerGroup = site.Groups["SP_Project_Manager"];
bool isManager = site.IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(managerGroup);

As of 2013, according to s654m's comment, the signature seems to have changed:

bool isManager = site.IsCurrentUserMemberOfGroup(managerGroup.ID);
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chiccodoro Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10


maybe this code sample post in the ASP.NET Forums helps.

A method you could use

/// <summary>
/// This private method get users by selected SPGroup object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="group">SPGroup object</param>

private void UsersList(SPGroup group)
           foreach(SPUser singleUser in group.Users)
                       foreach(SPRole singleRole in singleUser.Roles)
                                   _usersListCollection.Add(new UserListCollection(

Good luck,

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Henrik P. Hessel Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Henrik P. Hessel