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Share private video to some google accounts through API

I'm trying to figure out wheter it is possible to have a private video on youtube that I could share with particular Google Accounts through API.

I would have a separate web application that would have a Google signup and after signup I would enable that Google Account to watch my private video.

Ideally I would also want to embed the video to the web application (but I think I can do this rather easily if I'm an owner of the video).

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Adam Bečvář Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 15:10

Adam Bečvář

2 Answers

Ispossible to have a private video on YouTube that I could share with particular google accounts through API.

No you cant directly share a video with another user like you could a file on google drive.

You could show the video on your own site, but I am not sure its something I would want to try. The thing is being that its a private video you and you alone have access to see it. Your going to have to authenticate your application and get a refresh token back which will allow you to access the account and the videos on the account.

Then you will be able to use that refresh token to get an access token to show other people the video via your website. The problem you will have is if the refresh token stops working (rarely happens but can happen) you will have to authenticate it again before your solution will work.

Note: Service accounts don't work with YouTube API. So don't bother going down that road.

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DaImTo Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10


If you know the ID of a video, you can access it. You can share the ID,or an embedded link with someone.

The api only hides the info, not blocks it. So you would need to hold the info elsewhere for referencing.

So as long as you know the id's of the related video's, you can do what you want with them.

However, if you are wanting to monetise them on the side, I would recommend against it. Best to read the user agreement you have with YouTube.

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Tempus Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
