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Share internet by using WiFi-direct Android




Is it possible to share my Internet connection with another Android device by using WiFi-direct? I want to use WiFi-direct instead of WiFi hotspot. Thanks for your advices and your opinions!

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Ozlu Avatar asked Nov 20 '15 09:11


People also ask

Can I use Wi-Fi Direct to Share internet?

In simpler terms, Wi-Fi direct allows devices without their own internet connection to connect to one which does. In the case of Android smartphones and devices, you can connect them and quickly transfer files without the hassle of cables.

Is Wi-Fi Direct same as hotspot?

Wi-Fi Direct is not the same as a hotspot since this feature does not provide internet access. It facilitates direct communication and data transfer between connected devices via Wi-Fi technology without requiring an internet connection.

1 Answers

Wikipedia states that

Wi-Fi Direct, initially called Wi-Fi P2P, is a Wi-Fi standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point. It is useful for everything from internet browsing to file transfer,to communicate with more than one device simultaneously at typical Wi-Fi speeds.

Courtesy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Direct

In Android, WifiP2pManager class provides the API for managing Wi-Fi peer-to-peer connectivity. This lets an application discover available peers, setup connection to peers and query for the list of peers. When a p2p connection is formed over wifi, the device continues to maintain the uplink connection over mobile or any other available network for internet connectivity on the device.

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Valamburi M Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Valamburi M