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Share a cookie between two websites




I have built a website (A) which logs in to and retrieves customer data from a separate web service.

The organisation that owns (A) also has a website (B) which has a web form. They want a logged in customer on (A) to be able to click across to (B) and see a pre-populated form with their details.

This means (A) must write their customer ID to a cookie, which (B) can read, and then (B) can request the data from the web service, and pre-populate the form.

This raises two questions:

  1. Can website (B) read the cookie for website (A)?

  2. If so, to prevent someone from editing a cookie and seeing other people's data in the form, I would need to do something like encrypt the cookie on (A) and then have that decrypted in (B) - any suggestions along this line?

I can't change the existing login to OAuth or something, as the web service is consumed by several other sites, so this cannot change.

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Sean Avatar asked Sep 11 '12 13:09


People also ask

How do I share cookies between websites?

To share a cookie between domains, you will need two domains, for example myserver.com and slave.com . One of the domains will issue the cookies and the other domain will ask the first domain what cookie should be issued to the client.

Can I access cookies from different domains?

You cannot share cookies across domains. You can however allow all subdomains to have access.

Can cookie data shared across different browsers?

Cookies can be shared with other data storage, through browser extensions. Maybe in Flash or Google Gears you can maintain shared DB between browsers, but it needs to be installed on both of them, of course.

Are cookies shared between pages?

Cookie is shared by default if you correctly specify the domain and the path.

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1 Answers

No. Website B can't read a cookie from website A.

The easiest work-around is to pass login/credential information from website A to website B and have website B set a seperate cookie. For example, after logging into website A you could have them quickly redirected to website B with an encrypted querystring. Website B could then read the information, set its own cookie, and redirect the user back to site A.

It's messy but possible.

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Chris Van Opstal Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Chris Van Opstal