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Share a common parent path when implementing Spring controllers

I want to be able to define a parent Controller class which will have a mapping of "/api", and then extend that controller with my different implementations. So ApiController will have:


For example, my User controller should extend the base api controller and also add "/users" to the path, so it will answer to "/api/users" requests. So UserController will have:


but since it extends ApiController, it will effectively answer to /api/users.

Naturally I can prepend "/api" to all controllers so that this is achieved without the parent class, but I prefer to do it "the right way" if it's possible, so that I can define my api implementations with a cleaner and more visible path.

I tried extending the ApiController base class, but this does not work, UserController still answers to "/users" and ignores the base class "/api".

like image 592
TheZuck Avatar asked Aug 12 '12 13:08


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1 Answers

Hmmm. You can try this, it is what works for me:

public abstract class AbstractController {


public class ExtendedAbstractController extends AbstractController {

   public String anotherTest() {
       return "another";


Note, your base class must have no @Controller annotation and must be abstract.

If you try to do extend not abstract class annotated as controller and that has @RequestMappings you get errors on step where RequestMappingHandlerMapping initializing.

like image 52
masted Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11
