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Shape Detection using Machine Learning

I would like to detect shapes namely circle, square, rectangle, triangle, etc., using Machine Learning Techniques.

Following are the specifications for shape detection,

  1. Convolutional Neural Network ( CNN ) is used.
  2. For Training, Dataset contains 1000 images in each category for 10 shapes.
  3. For Testing, Dataset contains 100 images in each category for 10 shapes.
  4. All images are 28x28 resize with one channel ( gray channel ).
  5. All the images in the dataset are edge-detected images.


  1. Is it possible for the machine learning algorithm to differentiate between a square and a rectangle...?, square and a rhombus...?
  2. How can i improve the dataset for shape detection ? Thanks in Advance...!!!
like image 797
Vikas Srinivasan Avatar asked Jun 20 '17 09:06

Vikas Srinivasan

People also ask

What is shape function machine learning?

There is only one key idea: data has shape, and shape has meaning. In standard machine learning, the shape of the data is usually an afterthought. Topology puts the shape front and center — i.e., as being the most important aspect of your data.

What is shape based object detection?

Object detection and tracking based on a shape. The shape of an object can also be utilized as a global feature to detect an object with a distinct shape. This shape can be a straight line, polygons, circles, or any other irregular shapes.

How can machine learning be used to identify an object?

Object detection algorithms typically leverage machine learning or deep learning to produce meaningful results. When humans look at images or video, we can recognize and locate objects of interest within a matter of moments. The goal of object detection is to replicate this intelligence using a computer.

What is shape detection in image processing?

Shape detection is an important part of Image Processing referring to modules that deal with identifying and detecting shapes of parts of image which differ in brightness,color or texture.

1 Answers

  1. Yes, and it is not a very hard task for a CNN to do.
  2. One way to improve the dataset is to use image augmentation. I think you can do both horizontal and vertical flips as all these figures are still the same kind of figures when applying this transformation. You can think of other transformations as long as they don't change the axes sizes, because if you change the sizes of the axes a square becomes a rectangle, and viceversa.
like image 168
David Masip Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 11:10

David Masip