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Shading an area between geom_line and the x-axis




I have two plots displaying supply and demand, and one plot in which I have subtracted the demand from the supply to show the resulting asymmetry. I would like to shade the area between the x-axis and the negative part of the asymmetry, to show the extent of the deficit.

I currently use the following code:

plot.asymmetry <- ggplot(data=df.overview.month, 
                         aes(x=Date.Time, y=Asymmetry)) +    
      geom_area(data=subset(df.overview.month, Asymmetry < 0),     
                         aes(x=Date.Time, y=Asymmetry)) 

However - as could be expected - this does not shade the area between geom_line and the x-axis, but only between negative values of the asymmetry data, which is something else entirely, as shown in the resulting graph:

enter image description here

Is there any way to overcome this problem?

/Edit: some example data:

time.initial <- as.POSIXct("2010-12-31 23:00:00", tz="GMT")
for(i in 1:24) {
Date.Time[i] <- time.initial + i*3600

for(i in 0:23) {
Demand[i+1] <- 155 + 20*sin((pi/12)*i - (pi/2)) + 10*sin((pi/4380)*i + (pi/2))

for(i in 0:23) {
Supply[i+1] <- 165 + 5*sin((pi/4380)*i - (pi/2)) + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=0.20*165)

df.overview.month <- data.frame(Date.Time, Demand, Supply, Asymmetry=Supply-Demand)
like image 688
Gerrit Jan Avatar asked Feb 21 '23 23:02

Gerrit Jan

2 Answers

Below is some code ported from Matlab to calculate the intersection between segments. If you apply it between the x axis (fixed) and each pair of successive points, you get a list of new coordinates that indicate the crossing points between your geom_line and the x axis. From this it's an easy step to shade the relevant polygons. Note that I haven't properly tested the ported Matlab code.

enter image description here

## Ported from Matlab to R
## Copyright (c) 2010, U. Murat Erdem
## All rights reserved.
## http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27205
lineSegmentIntersect <- function(XY1, XY2){

  n_rows_1 <- nrow(XY1)
  n_cols_1 <- ncol(XY1)
  n_rows_2 <- nrow(XY2)
  n_cols_2 <- ncol(XY2)

  stopifnot(n_cols_1 == 4 && n_cols_2 == 4)

  nc <- n_rows_1 * n_rows_2
  X1 <- matrix(XY1[,1], nrow=nc, ncol=1)
  X2 <- matrix(XY1[,3], nrow=nc, ncol=1)
  Y1 <- matrix(XY1[,2], nrow=nc, ncol=1)
  Y2 <- matrix(XY1[,4], nrow=nc, ncol=1)

  XY2 <- t(XY2)

  X3 <- matrix(XY2[1,], nrow=nc, ncol=1)
  X4 <- matrix(XY2[3,], nrow=nc, ncol=1)
  Y3 <- matrix(XY2[2,], nrow=nc, ncol=1)
  Y4 <- matrix(XY2[4,], nrow=nc, ncol=1)

  X4_X3 <- X4-X3
  Y1_Y3 <- Y1-Y3
  Y4_Y3 <- Y4-Y3
  X1_X3 <- X1-X3
  X2_X1 <- X2-X1
  Y2_Y1 <- Y2-Y1

  numerator_a <- X4_X3 * Y1_Y3 - Y4_Y3 * X1_X3
  numerator_b <- X2_X1 * Y1_Y3 - Y2_Y1 * X1_X3
  denominator <- Y4_Y3 * X2_X1 - X4_X3 * Y2_Y1

  u_a <- numerator_a / denominator
  u_b <- numerator_b / denominator

  INT_X <- X1 + X2_X1 * u_a
  INT_Y <- Y1 + Y2_Y1 * u_a
  INT_B <- (u_a >= 0) & (u_a <= 1) & (u_b >= 0) & (u_b <= 1)
  PAR_B <- denominator == 0
  COINC_B <- (numerator_a == 0 & numerator_b == 0 & PAR_B)

  data.frame(x=INT_X[INT_B], y=INT_Y[INT_B])


x <- sort(runif(50, -10, 10))
y <- jitter(sin(x), a=2)
n <- length(x)
xy1 <- matrix(c(-10, 0, 10, 0), ncol=4)
xy2 <- cbind(x[-n], y[-n], x[-1], y[-1])
test <- lineSegmentIntersect(xy1, xy2)

d <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
d2 <- rbind(d, test)
d2 <- subset(d2[order(d2$x), ], y <=0)
p <- qplot(x, y, data=d, geom="path")

p + geom_ribbon(data=d2, aes(ymin = 0, ymax = y), fill="red")
like image 200
baptiste Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 06:03


What about this as inspiration. Now you only need to add additional data points where the asymmetry is equal to zero (like @baptiste suggested). I create a new column which is NA when the asymmetry is above zero, in this way no geom_ribbon will be drawn there. Just subsetting the data will not lead to the required plot.

df.overview.month$Assym_ribbon = ifelse(df.overview.month$Asymmetry > 0, 
ggplot(aes(x = Date.Time, y = Asymmetry), 
         data = df.overview.month) + 
   geom_line() + 
   geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = 0, ymax = Assym_ribbon), 
         data = , fill = "red")

enter image description here

Some additional notes about the way you constructed your example. The most important one is that R is vectorized. For example:

for(i in 0:23) {
  Supply[i+1] <- 165 + 
           5*sin((pi/4380)*i - 
           (pi/2)) + 
           rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=0.20*165)

is equivalent to:

i = 0:23
Supply_vec <- 165 + 5*sin((pi/4380)*i - 
               (pi/2)) + 
               rnorm(length(i), mean=0, sd=0.20*165)

> all.equal(Supply_vec, Supply)
[1] TRUE

In this case the reduction in code is modest, but in other (more realistic) settings using vectorization will save you dozens of lines of code.

like image 42
Paul Hiemstra Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 06:03

Paul Hiemstra