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'SFSafariViewController' is only available on iOS 9.0 or newer (React Native Build)

I am able to run my React Native application in the simulator via Expo, but as soon as I try to build it with Xcode, I receive this error:

'SFSafariViewController' is only available on iOS 9.0 or newer (React Native Build)

These are the steps I took to build.

  1. Run npm run eject
  2. Eject with 'ExpoKit' option
  3. cd into the ios directory
  4. Run pod install
  5. Open up the xcworkspace file in Xcode
  6. In both the project and the target, I changed the Deployment Target value to 11.0
  7. Run the build to a iOS version 11 simulator

The build then fails with 7 of the above errors. I am using Xcode version 9.0, Pods version 1.3.1.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 716
developthewebz Avatar asked Sep 28 '17 14:09


1 Answers

For me, the errors were coming from the "AppAuth" dependency. I fixed this issue by setting the "iOS Deployment Target" of this package to iOS 9.0.

enter image description here

like image 175
Xavier Villelégier Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 18:11

Xavier Villelégier