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Setting up WCF TCP service in a web application

People also ask

Does WCF use TCP?

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) provides a new TCP-based network protocol (net. tcp://) for high-performance communication.

What is WCF services TCP port sharing?

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) uses a Windows service called the Net. TCP Port Sharing Service to facilitate the sharing of TCP ports across multiple processes.

How do I run a WCF service locally?

To open WCF Test Client, open Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio and execute WcfTestClient.exe. Select Add Service from the File menu. Type http://localhost:8080/hello into the address box and click OK. Make sure the service is running or else this step fails.

You have to generate the Proxy based on the metadata exposed over HTTP for tcp.(make sure httpGetEnabled is set to true). The address you use at the client should be the hosted address. Please refer the below post.


In your question you mentioned that you connected to "test.mydomain.com" but the error changed the server to "computername". Then in your comment you mentioned it still failing to connect. If you wish to have the alias returned in the WSDL/MEX Add the useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress node in your service behavior. Here is the MSDN information on this node: MSDN useRequestHeadersForMetadataAddress node

This is how your config should look. This takes into account answer given by Prasath (httpGetEnabled="true").

   <behavior name="ServerHubBehavior">
      <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
      <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
            <add scheme="net.tcp" port="808" />