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Setting up SSL on a local xampp/apache server


I'm trying to access a Active Directory from my local webserver. To do this I'm using the latest version of xampp and a PHP script called adLDAP. If I understand things right, I need to enable SSL to access https URLs. I've tried to google it but with no luck :( Could anyone link a tutorial or explain to me how to install SSL on xampp/apache for windows 7 64bit? Any help would be appreciated :)

like image 943
horgen Avatar asked Apr 15 '10 07:04


People also ask

Can I add SSL to localhost?

Steps to followDevelop a server using Node. js that is being served up using a localhost SSL certificate. Configure the Firefox web browser and the Postman API client to allow certificates that we have signed as the CA. Access the localhost with HTTPS securely from the browser or API client.

1 Answers

Apache part - enabling you to open https://localhost/xyz

There is the config file xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf which contains all the ssl specific configuration. It's fairly well documented, so have a read of the comments and take look at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/ssl/. The files starts with <IfModule ssl_module>, so it only has an effect if the apache has been started with its mod_ssl module.

Open the file xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf in an editor and search for the line

#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so 

remove the hashmark, save the file and re-start the apache. The webserver should now start with xampp's basic/default ssl confguration; good enough for testing but you might want to read up a bit more about mod_ssl in the apache documentation.

PHP part - enabling adldap to use ldap over ssl

adldap needs php's openssl extension to use "ldap over ssl" connections. The openssl extension ships as a dll with xampp. You must "tell" php to load this dll, e.g. by having an extension=nameofmodule.dll in your php.ini

echo 'ini: ', get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path'); 

It should show you which ini file your php installation uses (may differ between the php-apache-module and the php-cli version).
Open this file in an editor and search for


remove the semicolon, save the file and re-start the apache.

see also: http://docs.php.net/install.windows.extensions

like image 150
VolkerK Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
