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Setting up Serilog to write logs to SQL Server db table

I'm trying to set up Serilog to write logs to my db table.

Here's the breakdown of what I did to try and set up logging to SQL Server.

1) Install the Nuget Packages, Serilog and Serilog.Sinks.MSSqlServer

2) I set up a class called Logger.cs that houses all the configuration for Serilog:

public static class Logger
    private static readonly ILogger _Logger;

    static Logger()

        var connStr = "data source=DESKTOP-BLAH;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Trusted_Connection=True;";

        _Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .WriteTo.MSSqlServer(connStr, "ApplicationLogs", 
            columnOptions: GetSqlColumnOptions(), restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Debug, batchPostingLimit: 1)

        Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(msg => Debug.WriteLine(msg));


    public static ColumnOptions GetSqlColumnOptions()
        var colOptions = new ColumnOptions();


        colOptions.AdditionalDataColumns = new Collection<DataColumn>
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(DateTime), ColumnName = "LogTimeStamp"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(Int32), ColumnName = "RecordNum"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "ComputerName"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(DateTime), ColumnName = "ProcessTimeStamp"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "LogGroup"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "Type"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(Int32), ColumnName = "EventId"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "UserId"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(Int32), ColumnName = "Line"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "Description"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "Source"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "Data"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(DateTime), ColumnName = "AddTimestamp"},
            new DataColumn{DataType = typeof(string), ColumnName = "DeviceID"}

        return colOptions;

    public static void WriteError(ApplicationLog infoToLog)
                    "{LogTimestamp}{RecordNum}{ComputerName}{ProcessTimeStamp}{LogGroup}" +
                    "{Type}{EventId}{UserId}{Line}" +
                    infoToLog.LogTimestamp, infoToLog.RecordNum,
                    infoToLog.ComputerName, infoToLog.ProcessTimestamp,
                    infoToLog.LogGroup, infoToLog.Type,
                    infoToLog.EventId, infoToLog.UserId,
                    infoToLog.Line, infoToLog.Description,
                    infoToLog.Source, infoToLog.Data,
                    infoToLog.AddTimestamp, infoToLog.DeviceId);
        catch(Exception ex)


3) Then I believe I should be good to go and I set it up like this:

ApplicationLog appLog = new ApplicationLog()
    LogTimestamp = DateTime.Now,
    RecordNum = 1,
    ComputerName = Environment.MachineName,
    ProcessTimestamp = DateTime.Now,
    LogGroup = "10",
    Type = "T",
    EventId = 23,
    UserId = Environment.UserName,
    Line = 0,
    Description = "Duplicate Failed to Upload",
    Source = "FooController.cs",
    Data = "DBNAME",
    AddTimestamp = DateTime.Now,
    DeviceId = "15"



4) Created table in my DB already and just waiting for the data from logging to populate.

However, it seems like it still doesn't get saved in my SQL Server db table.

I'm wondering if I missed any steps or what I did wrong for the setup here?

like image 219
Euridice01 Avatar asked Oct 25 '17 20:10


People also ask

Where does Serilog write to by default?

By default, serilog will only log to the console.

What is Serilog logging?

Serilog is an easy-to-set-up logging library for . NET with a clear API. In the long list of the Serilog's features you can find: Support of structured logging, which allows logs to be treated as data sets rather than text. Compatibility with asynchronous applications and systems.

What is structured logging in Serilog?

Structured logging is a modern approach where logging events are treated as structured data rather than text, for example: { “payload”: { “order”: { “id”: 10 }, “message”: “OrderId: 10 placed successfully” }

1 Answers

Can you try using the self logging of serilog to see what is happening:

If you are using .net core, put following in Program.main()

Serilog.Debugging.SelfLog.Enable(msg =>
like image 176
mukesh joshi Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

mukesh joshi