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Setting up PostGis on Amazon RDS

Ok, so I am fairly new to RDS and AWS, but I can't for the life of me, get my database that I created on my laptop, onto amazon RDS, I did move it to my test VPS and also my desktop machine, with no problems at all, here is what I have tried so far..

create extension postgis; create extension fuzzystrmatch; create extension postgis_tiger_geocoder; create extension postgis_topology; alter schema tiger owner to rds_superuser; alter schema topology owner to rds_superuser;  CREATE FUNCTION exec(text) returns text language plpgsql volatile AS $f$ BEGIN EXECUTE $1; RETURN     $1; END; $f$; SELECT exec('ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(s.nspname) || '.' || quote_ident(s.relname) || ' OWNER TO rds_superuser')   FROM (     SELECT nspname, relname     FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid)      WHERE nspname in ('tiger','topology') AND     relkind IN ('r','S','v') ORDER BY relkind = 'S') s;          GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testgetwork TO luke; 

Then I connect to the database and try and load my local copy of the new database...

luke@l-xps:~$ psql --host=myhost.dns.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com --port=5432 --username=luke --password --dbname=testgetwork < testgetwork.sql  Password for user luke:  SET SET SET SET SET ERROR:  schema "topology" already exists ALTER SCHEMA CREATE EXTENSION ERROR:  must be owner of extension plpgsql CREATE EXTENSION ERROR:  must be owner of extension postgis CREATE EXTENSION ERROR:  must be owner of extension postgis_topology  <more output, removed to save space>  ERROR:  permission denied for relation spatial_ref_sys invalid command \.  setval  --------        1 (1 row)   setval   <more output, removed to save space> 

My question is, how can I move on from here? All of the features just seemed to be blocked by a permissions problem, by user luke is part of the rds_superuser group, does anyone who has experience with PostGis and RDS know how I can rectify this?

testgetwork=> \du                                   List of roles    Role name   |                   Attributes                   |    Member of     ---------------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------  luke          | Create role, Create DB                         | {rds_superuser}  rds_superuser | Cannot login                                   | {}  rdsadmin      | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {} 
like image 741
Crooksey Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 20:02


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Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition now supports PostGIS major version 3.1. This new version of PostGIS is available on PostgreSQL versions 13.4, 12.8, 11.13, 10.18, and higher.

Does RDS support PostgreSQL?

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL currently supports PostgreSQL 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Information about the supported minor versions is available in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

1 Answers

The official guide for setting up PostGIS on RDS is here.

That worked for me.

I am still having issues import my data, getting:

... must be superuser to create a base type permission denied for language c .... 

Any ideas on those?
Also, is it possible to log in as rdsadmin?

like image 148
asbjornenge Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
