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Setting up ehcache replication - what multicast settings do I need?

I am trying to set up ehcache replication as documented here: http://ehcache.sourceforge.net/EhcacheUserGuide.html#id.s22.2
This is on a Windows machine but will ultimately run on Solaris in production.

The instructions say to set up a provider as follows:

     properties="peerDiscovery=automatic, multicastGroupAddress=,
     multicastGroupPort=4446, timeToLive=32"/>

And a listener like this:

    properties="hostName=localhost, port=40001,

My questions are:
Are the multicast IP address and port arbitrary (I know the address has to live within a specific range but do they have to be specific numbers)?
Do they need to be set up in some way by our system administrator (I am on an office network)?

I want to test it locally so am running two separate tomcat instances with the above config. What do I need to change in each one? I know both the listeners can't listen on the same port - but what about the provider?
Also, are the listener ports arbitrary too?

I've tried setting it up as above but in my testing the caches don't appear to be replicated - the value added in one tomcat's cache is not present in the other cache.
Is there anything I can do to debug this situation (other than packet sniffing)?

Thanks in advance for any help, been tearing my hair out over this one!

like image 515
Darren Greaves Avatar asked May 19 '09 20:05

Darren Greaves

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1 Answers

I want to test it locally so am running two separate tomcat instances with the above config.

As I have just submitted an answer regarding cherouvims related question I'd just like to highlight here too that they are in fact providing an example doing something similar at least (multiple nodes per host, though one instance only): see section Full Example in the RMI Distributed Caching documentation.

It's indeed important to change the TCP port for each cacheManagerPeerListenerFactory but the multicast settings can (I'd think they must) stay the same: you can see this in action within the ehcache.xml's for the Full Example mentioned above: the port number is increased one by one from 40001 up to 40006 per node while the multicast settings stay identical.

If you have obeyed that, your problem might just be related to Tomcat running on Windows - see the related paragraph within section Common Problems in RMI Distributed Caching:

There is a bug in Tomcat and/or the JDK where any RMI listener will fail to start on Tomcat if the installation path has spaces in it.
As the default on Windows is to install Tomcat in "Program Files", this issue will occur by default.

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Steffen Opel Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09

Steffen Opel