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Setting up dotnet core with RavenDB

I'm currently facing a problem with setting up RavenDB with dotnet core for multiple environments.

In StartUp class I have configured Raven as a Singleton and used the IOptions pattern to bind the settings Raven to the RavenSettings object.

 public virtual void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

     //Add functionality to inject IOptions<T> 

     // App Settings
     //services.Configure<RavenSettings>(settings => Configuration.GetSection("Raven").Bind(settings));

     // .NET core built in IOC

This is my default app settings.

  "Logging": {
    "IncludeScopes": false,
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug",
      "System": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Information"
  "Raven": {
    "Url": "x",
    "DefaultDatabase": "x"

This is the class that I have attempted to bind the setting from appsettings to ...

public class RavenSettings
    public string Url { get; set; }
    public string DefaultDatabase { get; set; }

The class below follows the Raven documents in generating the Raven document store. Because I am using a singleton, I am not hitting the constructor to inject the settings. Can anyone advise a way around this?

public sealed class DocumentStoreHolder
    private static RavenSettings _ravenSettings;

    public DocumentStoreHolder(IOptions<RavenSettings> ravenSettings)
        _ravenSettings = ravenSettings.Value;

    public static IDocumentStore Store => DocStore.Value;

    private static readonly Lazy<IDocumentStore> DocStore = new Lazy<IDocumentStore>(CreateStore);

    private static IDocumentStore CreateStore()
        var store = new DocumentStore
            Url = _ravenSettings.Url,
            DefaultDatabase = _ravenSettings.DefaultDatabase

        return store;
like image 866
HelloAmigo Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 11:03


1 Answers

Building on Set's answer, I was able to resolve it by creating an IDocumentStoreHolder interface, and registering that in the IOC.


public class DocumentStoreHolder : IDocumentStoreHolder
    public DocumentStoreHolder(IOptions<RavenSettings> ravenSettings)
        var settings = ravenSettings.Value;

        Store = new DocumentStore
            Url = settings.Url,
            DefaultDatabase = settings.DefaultDatabase

    public IDocumentStore Store { get; }


public interface IDocumentStoreHolder
    IDocumentStore Store { get; }

Startup.cs (ConfigureServices)

services.AddSingleton<IDocumentStoreHolder, DocumentStoreHolder>();


private readonly IDocumentStore _store;

public SomeClass(IDocumentStoreHolder documentStoreHolder)
    _store = documentStoreHolder.Store;
like image 120
ChaoticNadirs Avatar answered Apr 05 '23 11:04
