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Setting the TabIndex property of many form controls in Visual Studio?



What is the most efficient way to set/re-order the TabIndex properties of many form controls in Visual Studio? When I change the layout on a large form, or even on initial design, I often wonder if there's a faster way than clicking each individual control then setting the TabIndex in the properties window.

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Kyle Gagnet Avatar asked May 08 '09 00:05

Kyle Gagnet

People also ask

What is the function of TabIndex property of controls on a form?

The TabIndex property of a control determines where it's positioned in the tab order.

Is it a must for all controls to have TabIndex property?

All controls have a TabIndex property. A control's border is determined by its BorderStyle property. Tab order is the order in which each control receives the focus when the user presses the Tab key. The Windows standard is to use sentence capitalization for identifying labels.

How do I add different controls to my form?

Add the control by drawingSelect the control by clicking on it. In your form, drag-select a region. The control will be placed to fit the size of the region you selected.

2 Answers

While in Designer mode, select Tab Order from the View menu then click on each control in the order you want. Then remember to turn off Tab Order when you're finished, otherwise when you select a control to do something else you lose the work you've just done (I wish Tab Order would turn off when you Save..)

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stuartd Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11


Bring up the Form in design mode.

Click the View Menu -> Tab Order

Then a little number will show up on each form representing its tab order. Now click each item in order that you want their tab order set.

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Serapth Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11
